Charity Partners
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For charities working exclusively in these areas:
Action for Mental Health- Consortium is made up of three leading mental health charities, Rethink Mental Illness, Together, and Bipolar UK, working in partnership to make sure everyone affected by mental health problems gets the support, information and help they need.
We are committed to eradicating the stigma and discrimination faced by so many people on a daily basis, by ensuring that mental health is a priority for decision makers.
Bipolar UK website:
Rethink Mental Illness website:
Together website:
Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through our Admiral Nurse service.
Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses who give much-needed practical and emotional support to family carers, as well as the person with dementia.
There are currently over 270 specialist dementia nurses working across the UK. Our ultimate aim is to have 800 nurses supporting families UK-wide and you can help make this happen.

FareShare is the UK's largest charity tackling the environmental problem of food waste to support social good. We use surplus food to power over 8,000 local charities to strengthen their communities.
Our work centres around redistributing nutritious and good-to-eat food to charities across the UK, from school breakfast clubs and older people's lunch clubs to homeless shelters and community cafes.
We believe that no good to eat food should go to waste.
" The variety of food delivered by FareShare allows our customers the dignity of choice and gives them access to fresh fruit and veg. Our closest supermarket is a round trip of 25 miles and we have a very limited public transport system, so our community larder is really a lifeline to many". FareShare charity partner and food recipient, 2024.

Every 20 minutes in the UK, a child will experience the death of a parent/carer. The darkest, most challenging days for children and young people following the death of someone close can be held by Grief Encounter, a vital national bereavement charity. We directly support over 1,300 children, young people, and their family members across England and Wales each year, online, by phone and face-to-face via our clinical hubs in London and Bristol.
Without receiving the help they need, how and when they need it most, grieving children and young people may go on to suffer repercussions that adversely affect healthy lifestyles and choices. This can lead to prolonged school absence, future unemployment and tragically sometimes, death by despair.
Grief Encounter help families navigate grief and provide a safe space for conversation and healing through a dedicated Bereavement Support team, 1-2-1 and group therapeutic support, weekend residential camps, family fun days and grief support resources including our Grief Relief Kit.

We are working for an end to mental ill health and the inequalities that face people experiencing mental distress, living with learning disabilities or reduced mental capacity.
We develop and run research and delivery programmes across the UK that provide evidence and expertise to know what works and how to intervene earlier.
We use what we learn to help everyone by offering straightforward and clear information on every aspect of mental health and learning disabilities.
Our advice also helps people help the people they care about too - in their families, their communities or their work. We influence policymakers and advocate for changes in services, using firm evidence and the voices of people with direct experience of the issues.
We campaign on the issues that affect public mental health and wellbeing and the lives of people who have, or are close to someone with a learning disability. We aim to inspire the development of a society free from stigma and discrimination, where everyone can achieve their potential to flourish and thrive.

We challenge the causes of poor mental health and provide people with the tools they need to live their best possible life at home, school and work. In a rapidly changing world, we bring together the heritage and experience of four charities from across the country who have been supporting people with their mental for over 50 years.

We’re Mind, the mental health charity.
We won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.
Even though 1 in 4 people have mental health problems, most of us don’t get the help we need. This has to change.
How do we make a difference?
We change minds across England and Wales by making mental health an everyday priority. By standing up to the injustices – in healthcare, in work, in law – which make life harder for those of us with mental health problems.
We support minds – by offering help whenever you might need it through our information, advice and local services.
And we connect minds. Bringing together an unstoppable network of individuals and communities – people who care about mental health to make a difference.

We are Penumbra Mental Health, a pioneering charity providing dedicated services for people with mild to serious and enduring mental ill health. We support people on their journey to better mental health, by working with each person to find their own way forward. The power of people’s lived experience enables us to provide pioneering services which transform lives.
From being there for people in crisis to suicide prevention, supported living to self-harm management and peer support. We are with those we support every step of their journey to a better place.
People’s experiences are at the centre of everything that we do. We champion peer workers; we know that recovery is possible, because they’ve been there too.

Place2Be is the UK’s leading school-based children’s mental health charity and with your support we can ensure that no child experiences mental health problems alone.

We are Rethink Mental Illness. No matter how bad things are, we can help people severely affected by mental illness improve their lives. As a leading charity provider of mental health services in England, we’re on a mission to bring about meaningful change: to our health and social care system, to the way society views mental illness, and to people’s lives across the country.
People affected by mental illness are at the heart of everything we do. Their insight shapes our advice, information, and around 200 groups and services – from housing to employment, carer support to legal advice. Their passion and courage drive our campaigns to change the law and tackle discrimination. And the rich diversity of their experience helps us make sure that our services are accessible to everyone – whatever their background or identity.
We know people severely affected by mental illness can have a good quality of life. With your support, we will make that possible.

Every seven seconds, Samaritans answer a call for help. They're there, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope and needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, they're taking action to prevent the crisis.
Samaritans gives people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. They encourage, promote, and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives. They offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need.
In prisons, schools, hospitals and on the rail network, Samaritans are working with people who are going through a difficult time and training others to do the same. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide.
That’s why they work tirelessly to reach more people and make suicide prevention a priority.
At any one time, around one in six people are affected by a mental health condition– that's millions of people living lives often overshadowed by stigma, discrimination and fear.
SANE helps people affected by mental illness wherever they are in the UK. Every year our team of volunteers and mental health professionals provides more than 11,000 hours of time, guidance, information and emotional support.
This is complemented by campaigning to improve mental health care and treatment services, and the facilitation of research into causes and treatments at our Prince of Wales International Centre for SANE Research in Oxford.

We believe that people with disabilities are equal participants in society and should have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. This is the vision we work towards and the reason we exist.
We support people with learning disabilities, mental health needs and physical disabilities to take live as independently as possible. Founded in 1973 with just one service in West Sussex, we now support around 2000 people in over 300 locations across England and Wales.
We provide everything from 24 hour care, to a few hours of support a week. We support some of the most vulnerable people in society to live happy and productive lives in their community. The key is that we work with each person to do the things they want to do, supporting them to communicate what they want and tell us how we are doing.
As well as providing support, we run campaigns on the latest social care issues, organise fundraising schemes and events, and provide guidance and information on a range of topics.

Everyone should feel comfortable getting the support they need for issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health.
We work with people on their own goals, whether that’s staying safe and healthy, making small changes or stopping an unwanted habit altogether. We give people support in a way that’s right for them either face to face in their local service, community or online.
We provide a free and confidential service without judgement to more than 100,000 people a year.
We use our expertise to improve the help available and raise awareness around drugs, alcohol and mental health so that more people can get support.